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VERSION en ANGLAIS - Site Rorate Caeli Imprimer
Auteur : Marcelo
Sujet : VERSION en ANGLAIS - Site Rorate Caeli
Date : 2007-07-15 16:07:30

Chers amis
je remerci le site RORATE de cette version en Anglais [Excerpts]

São Paulo - Brasil


The Superior of the Institut du Bon Pasteur (Institute of the Good Shepherd-IBP), Father Philippe Laguérie, is visiting the Latin American District of the IBP, and has granted an interview to one of the largest Brazilian dailies, Folha de S. Paulo (Tip and transcript: Le Forum Catholique)


FOLHA - How will the decision to say the Traditional Mass be taken?

Laguérie - There is the liberty of every priest to decide to say the ancient Mass. He may receive faithful who attend the Mass, but it remains a private Mass [a Mass which the priest celebrates out of his own will and which does not belong to the officil schedule of the Church, even if there is attending public. - sic] In order for a Mass, a public Mass, to take place in a parish, it is necessary that a stable group of faithful make the demand. If the parish priest cannot respond to that demand, they must look for the bishop, who should do all that is possible to attend to the faithful. In case this does not happen, appeal must be sought at the Ecclesia Dei Commission, in Rome


May this return to the ancient Mass be seen as an example of the return of the Catholic Church, under Benedict XVI, to conservatism?

The new Mass corresponds to the theology of the 1960s. The ancient Mass, to a theology which has been eternal in the Catholic Church.


In this context of changes in the Catholic Church, what is the role of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, to which you belong?

The institute is a trial balloon for the "motu proprio" and also a call for a rapprochement with the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, considering that all the initial members of the institute came from this group.

Also: Interesting interview with Dr. Alcuin Reid (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, starts at approx. 38min).

La discussion

 Interview de L'abbé LAGUÈRIE au journal FOLHA D [...], de Marcelo [2007-07-15 09:19:35]
      VERSION en ANGLAIS - Site Rorate Caeli, de Marcelo [2007-07-15 16:07:30]
          Version française traduction altavista, de Scottex [2007-07-15 19:52:52]