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un site vachement sérieux Imprimer
Auteur : Loic Merian
Sujet : un site vachement sérieux
Date : 2003-06-24 00:33:40

hum ... comme vous dites un excellent site ... au hasard je pioche un extrait de la première page ... ce sont des nouvelles fraiches et drôlement sérieuses ... non vraiment je pense qu'on a là une source d'information fiable et très utile à la bonne cause ... je le recommande à tous ceux qui s'ennuient le soir quand ils surfent et que le site du fan-club de Casimir a fini par lasser

c'est signé du responsable du site, c'est vous dire si il a mis tous son poids pour accréditer ces nouvelles

sacré Johnny ... hé dites c'est pas votre quatre vingt dixième anniversaire que vous venez de fêter au Parc des Princes ??

allez, sans rancune, j'ai bien ri grâce à vous !


Could Malachi Martin Have Been Right?
From: Fr. Moderator
The late Malachi Martin was a Jesuit priest who requested that Pope Paul VI secularize him from the Jesuits to independent status in the 1960s. He wanted to have nothing to do with the Modernist Jesuits, who took up Liberation Theology and machine guns to kill Latin American officials whom they didn't like. Eventually, the Jesuits, who used to be known for their loyalty to the papacy, were declared personae non gratae by Pope Paul VI. He did everything but suppress them, as his predecessor Pope Clement XIV had done in the 18th century.

Martin reported ten years ago on what he called the "diabolical" state of affairs within the ranks of the U.S. Novus Ordo bishops. At the time many disbelieved Martin's report, but in light of what has been exposed in the last several years -- bishops who are murderers, bishops who are embezzlers of Church monies, bishops who are rapists and fornicators, and more -- it is an opportune time to review Martin's allegations, as he was almost universally acknowledged to have unusually close contacts at the Vatican.

Martin, well known as an exorcist, reported that several bishops contacted him asking him to exorcise them. However, he was unable to do so because, as they themselves acknowledged, they had "already sold their souls to Satan." He reported that over 80% of the U.S. bishops were Luciferians. Martin cited in particular his information about a former cardinal of Chicago, who was at the time one of the most modernist and wackiest bishops in the United States.

Martin reported that this cardinal was in charge of eight witches' covens throughout the United States and performed a Black Mass in St. Paul's Chapel in Rome, where he "consecrated" the Novus Ordo "mass" to Lucifer. He then returned to Chicago, where he allegedly "completed the blood sacrifice" by killing a puppy.

Now, Martin's reports would seem to be pretty "far out." And yet, as time goes along, the reality of the corrupt Novus Ordo underbelly is becoming more and more exposed. Several priests, who stood up to their bishops against the corruption, have been murdered. Novus Ordo bishops have had orthodox priests and nuns committed to insane asylums. Bishops have been exposed, as even the Vatican admits, for embezzling money from the Church. Bishops have been fanatical in imposing the sauvage (wild) Novus Ordo service on parishes across the country.

La discussion

      US : 15 millions de Tradis !, de Johnny Lefèbvre [2003-06-23 23:48:39]
          un site vachement sérieux, de Loic Merian [2003-06-24 00:33:40]